Virginia Mini-Bash

Virginia Mini-Bash

Welcome to our little mini-bash in the beautiful state of Virginia.
We were visiting our son and his family in what we have been saying
was Front Royal. Actually we found out they are between Front Royal
and Strasburg in a small community called Waterlick. First a picture
of the city limits sign to show we were actually there and then a
picture of the mountains with the Shenandoah River running through
the valley.

Front Royal City Limits
Mountains With the Shenandoah River Running Through the Valley
Our Hosts, Carrie, Ben, Benny and Jenny
Our Entertainment...They were great!
Marylew, BarbTx, MarvTx and nana
Marylew, BarbTx and nana
Nana enjoying the Shenandoah River in Bens Back Yard
Marylews Daughter in law, Renate, from Germany
Renate and MarvTx
Granddaughter Jenny and MarvTx
Newest Member of Bens family, Festus, and BarbTx
Festus Finally Getting His Kisses
Ben, MarvTx and Benny
Ta Da!! And the Handsome Benny!

The next eight pictures were sent to me from nana.
MarvTx and son Ben
Marylew & Guitarplayer.........................Bens Neighbors
Shenandoah River.............................Barb & Guitarplayers
Changing of The Leaves.................................Shendandoah River
Shenandoah Valley

I hope you have enjoyed seeing our pictures. Virginia is a beautiful place, especially at this time of year.